WELCOME to CineMuseFilms

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This blog started out in 2013 as part of a digital media unit in a Bachelor of Media & Communication course.  I’ve left the original posts here as historical markers, as well as eclectic mix of other writings, such as academic essays, a short story, a book published from my PhD, and other odds and sods. The blog has expanded to focus on reviews and analysis of films (a passion of mine for half a century). .

What makes me think that anyone might be interested in my thoughts? I am what some would call an endlessly restless thinker with no particular focus. I’ve been studying for one degree or another since 1973 (I’m now on my seventh). My interests currently are in film, media and popular culture, but my thinking over decades have been shaped by studies in sociology, psychology, politics, government and education. I hope you find something of interest here.